Free to Be Me

Second. Having already talked about Freedom, let's blend it together with what we can fondly call hyper-individualism.

Since we decided long ago that America is God's Chosen Nation (and while America is a very nice place, I personally would have gone with Switzerland because mountains, cheese, chocolate, wine, and, let's be honest, that's where everyone keeps their money), we also decided that the things that America is supposed to embody are From God and Deserve Their Own Level of Idolatry.

(I know you're dying to ask, so it's the Alps, which are awesome, and Gruyere and Appenzeller cheeses, which are scrumptious, and Lindt Lindor dark chocolate bars and balls, which are truly from God, and I'm gonna go with Aigle and Vinzel, and then, of course, the Swiss franc.)

Anyway. I'll be right back. There's some Gruyere in the fridge.

Anyway. We Americans are mad passionate about freedom and individualism, and we truly think that they are from God, which is sometimes true, but as good as they are, they are not God, and we shouldn't be doing horrible things out of our passion for freedom and individualism.

Like. For example. Just to name a few.

Speaking of masks. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say without apology that white Christian people are being total idiots. Now. They probably are not all white, but I'm gonna go with 81% of them being white. They may not all be Christian, but I'm gonna go with 81% of them being Christian. That's the percentage of white evangelicals who voted for Trump, so I'm just gonna use that number as a high probability.

And here's what they are saying. It's somehow a violation of their freedoms and civil rights to have to wear a mask because that's the evil demonic wicked God-HATES-it government becoming, as some have said, like the Nazis or the Communists or some random dictator like Putin or Xi or Duterte or Kim (you know, the guys Trump likes to play poker with over cigars, vodka, and wild wimmen.)

In the midst of this idiocy, they are painting the Black Lives Matter movement as being Nazi or Communist or whatever.

OK. So. White people are asked to wear a mask when they go to Walmart to protect the lives of other people and help bring this pandemic to heal, and they are screaming like little babies, but black folks who have been under oppression, injustice, and living in a police state in constant fear of losing their lives for going on 400 years, are the whiney victims in this picture.

Wear a mask for an hour. 400 years of living in a police state. Pretend victims vs. actual victims. Because white freedoms and civil rights somehow matter to God more than black freedoms and civil rights. Waaaaay more. Not to mention Native Americans, Latinx, Asians, Muslims, Arabs, and, oh, I don't know, a lot of other not-quite-white-enough people.

So we white Christians have been perfectly happy to sacrifice the rights, privileges and freedoms of several entire races of people for 400 years as long as we get the right not to wear a mask. I mean, God wouldn't wear a mask. Can you find me a verse with Jesus wearing a mask? IDTS.

That's idolatry. That's worshipping freedom and individualism, but in the same way the Jews of the OT worshipped God - it was for the Jews alone, and if the Gentiles dared to try to worship the same God, it was death death death. Freedom is for white people.

And let's beat on individualism for a minute, which says that the individual is of supreme importance, and the community is waaaaay in second place. That's because the word community and the word communism are just almost the same word. So we have become accustomed to thinking about ourselves first in faith and politics. Both are about me all the time.

Thus, Trump, as the archetype of individualism. Everything is about him, all the time. Covid-19 is about him, all the time. It's a plot to destroy him, to deny him a second term, to make him look bad. He has been willing to sacrifice the lives of (insert the current number here) Americans because he is incapable of thinking about anyone but himself and his reputation.

He is a gift from God to hyper-individualistic freedom-worshipping American Christians, because he is a metaphor for them. BTW. The word Gift in German means "poison". He is the poison pill from God, who hoped, apparently, that we would catch a real clue, that we would see that he is a caricature, a cartoon version of us.

But because we love us first, that is, because each of us loves himself first, we saw nothing in Trump but holiness.

And just like Trump, we are willing the sacrifice the health and wealth of the nation to avoid wearing a mask in Walmart. Of the nation, the states, the cities and towns and villages, of our neighborhoods. We do not, cannot care for the community if it causes some measure of sacrifice that we are asked to make on behalf of the nation, the states and cities and towns and villages and neighborhoods.

I know what the national anthem is. I think we need a national meme, a bumper sticker. It would read "Nobody gets to tell me what to do."


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