Freedom - the reason for the season
The word "freedom" then has become the answer to every question, the marketing strategy for every issue. It is the idol to which we hoist our flag, though God forbid we should kneel. We are, at the moment, literally sacrificing the health and lives of thousands on the altar of freedom as Covid-19 rages through the world, though we are really only concerned with America, and if you are from Texas, well, there really isn't any other place worth considering. Of course, closely tied to freedom is capitalism, which is really the root issue.
In fact, what we are seeing is, once again, freedom being used as the reason for the season. We rage about our freedoms being taken from us, but it is really about our ability to earn money, to work. And fair enough, we all need to work. But a rational conversation would go like this: What do we all need to do so that we can go back to work? Contact tracing? Testing? Lockdowns? That's what worked in Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France, Switzerland, Argentina, Iceland, Austria and others, and what should have been done in Russia, Brazil, India, and the United States, but was not, so we are well and truly screwed.
But instead our American conversation is going more like this: How DARE you make me wear a mask and stay at home?!?! It's unAmerican, it's unconstitutional, and it infringes on my rights and personal freedom.
What will God do? What indeed will God do?
I'm not pretending to speak for God, because I remember what the captain of the Titanic said ("God himself couldn't sink this ship!", which left God a bit cold [iceberg joke]) and all of the bad boy pastor slash false prophets in the last couple of decades who generally ended up with hookers or "masseuses" or jail time for tiny little money problems.
But if the OT is any help, God will punish us using freedom. And that's what's happening. It's almost funny, deeply ironic, and way clever, but then, nobody ever accused God of being not clever or given to irony.
So the bigger a stink some folks raise about losing their freedom, and the more they resist wearing masks and social distancing, the worse it's going to get, and the bigger hit they take on the capitalism side of the idolatry house.
Seriously. I don't know if God planned it this way, or if he just said, OMG (he can say that), this is going to be HYSTERICAL!
Down here, of course, it's not so funny. It's mostly white mostly well off mostly Christian folks screaming about their rights and freedoms and then they get sick and die.
Here's an observation. You should write this down. Screaming and yelling and complaining about losing rights and freedoms gets done in groups. With this virus, though, you die alone.
That might be part of the plan. You look like an idiot for everyone to see, but nobody really watches you die apart from family. Your idiocy lives forever. The irony is for your family to appreciate.
In fact, what we are seeing is, once again, freedom being used as the reason for the season. We rage about our freedoms being taken from us, but it is really about our ability to earn money, to work. And fair enough, we all need to work. But a rational conversation would go like this: What do we all need to do so that we can go back to work? Contact tracing? Testing? Lockdowns? That's what worked in Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France, Switzerland, Argentina, Iceland, Austria and others, and what should have been done in Russia, Brazil, India, and the United States, but was not, so we are well and truly screwed.
But instead our American conversation is going more like this: How DARE you make me wear a mask and stay at home?!?! It's unAmerican, it's unconstitutional, and it infringes on my rights and personal freedom.
What will God do? What indeed will God do?
I'm not pretending to speak for God, because I remember what the captain of the Titanic said ("God himself couldn't sink this ship!", which left God a bit cold [iceberg joke]) and all of the bad boy pastor slash false prophets in the last couple of decades who generally ended up with hookers or "masseuses" or jail time for tiny little money problems.
But if the OT is any help, God will punish us using freedom. And that's what's happening. It's almost funny, deeply ironic, and way clever, but then, nobody ever accused God of being not clever or given to irony.
So the bigger a stink some folks raise about losing their freedom, and the more they resist wearing masks and social distancing, the worse it's going to get, and the bigger hit they take on the capitalism side of the idolatry house.
Seriously. I don't know if God planned it this way, or if he just said, OMG (he can say that), this is going to be HYSTERICAL!
Down here, of course, it's not so funny. It's mostly white mostly well off mostly Christian folks screaming about their rights and freedoms and then they get sick and die.
Here's an observation. You should write this down. Screaming and yelling and complaining about losing rights and freedoms gets done in groups. With this virus, though, you die alone.
That might be part of the plan. You look like an idiot for everyone to see, but nobody really watches you die apart from family. Your idiocy lives forever. The irony is for your family to appreciate.
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